Friday, January 29, 2010

carter's contribution

When we first started talking about doing a fundraiser the kids immediately wanted to contribute something. Carter loves to draw and paint so he decided he would paint a canvas to put in the silent auction. He prefers to recreate something he can look at, so after researching African animals and trees he decided on an Acacia tree. We found a photograph online for him to use as a guide. I didn't get my camera out until the end but I got a few shots of his painting. I think he did an amazing job BUT I admit I am biased! Check it out...


rutledgeramblings said...

Caroline said, "THAT is good!"

Kristin Amaro said...

WOW.........AMAZING JOB, CARTER!!! What a great artist!

Abby says, "I love how he did the sun and the sky....he's a better artist than me!" (Spoken like a true only child - lol)

Beyond Blessed said...

It is beautiful! I love his day his brother and sister will see this post and know how much he wanted them home! Awesome!

Brandi Hasley said...

I love it and think he did a wonderful job!