Tuesday, February 21, 2012

my first time practicing

Lent.  It starts tomorrow.  I have NEVER observed lent and really can't tell you a whole lot about it.  But, that is all changing.  I have been reading and have been praying about what to "give up" and I have decided on a few things...

#1 I am only drinking tap water.   40 DAYS OF WATER  I gave up diet coke on January 1.  I made statements like "I HAVE to have it" and that is not true, at all.  The more I read, the more I am reminded that soft drinks are terrible for you, especially the diet ones, so they are out the door.  Only water mean that there will be no coffee and I enjoyed coffee 2-3 times per day, usually 2.  Again, I think "oh, how will I do it", but I can and I am going to.  Amazing what we become dependent on!!

#2 No facebook.  I think I might have a slight addiction to check it everyday and "see" what is going on.  This all started during the adoption.  I checked my email, facebook and blogs very regularly (all of the time) for any bit news that I might stumble across.  This is an area that I need to surrender.

#3  No carbs.  Meat, fish, poultry, fruits and veggies only.  I need to focus on my body being a temple and getting myself in shape, getting myself healthy- spiritually, physically and emotionally.  There is an exercise piece in there, too.

So, this is all new and I am learning.  I am excited.


SALLEE is having surgery on Monday.  Basically 1 time on the OT, 2 surgeons and the next step is still unknown.

BENJAMIN seemed to have no negative reaction to Rusty being gone like he did with me.  We know that I am the primary care giver and figure that it is related to that.

SCHOOL went great today.  We have added some activities like playing with beans and the 2 littlest are digging it.  Hope does not want to be left out any more.  She colors, plays with play dough, sorts and scoops and dumps beans, it is great!

It is supposed to be 70 degrees on Thursday and I am a tad excited:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahh, me too sister! I am ridiculously excited about my facebook fast. It has sucked way too much time out of my days for too long.