Tuesday, May 24, 2011

another slower day- Day 11

TODAY HOPE WOKE FEVER FREE!  Her personality is slowly but surly showing through... we can't wait to see it in full swing.  Hope is very very shy.  She loves to cuddle and seems to prefer women.  She takes her medicine like a champ!  Her appitite is small but it could be due to not feelign well.  She sleeps about 12 hours a night and naps about twice a day.

So today we had a slow morning.  We had our driver come and take us to the places our children were abandoned or left.  We were able to go to each sector except for Hope's, the hospital were she was left was near the border.

From there we went to lunch and then to get our passports.  They were not ready but we were told we could get them tomorrow at 1pm.  So pray that goes well and that we have success at our Embassy appointment at 2pm.

Once these steps are complete we are finished here so we are making plans to leave early.  We have no details of the changes yet but will post when we do.  We thought we may be able to shave an entire week off but at this point it may just be 4-5 days (a flight we needed to be done a week early is full).

So Benjamin is showing some of his sweet side.  Nap and bedtime are still very hard but when he falls asleep he is asleep.


Melanie said...

Come on passports and a great/successful embassy appt...I'm hoping and praying with you...

rutledgeramblings said...

Praying for your appointment. We are getting so excited - the girls are getting ready to make posters and such. Allison can't wait to play with Hope and be her "mommy".

Love you!