Monday, January 30, 2012


Tonight I planned on writing about my weekend at Created for Care, it was amazing and I learned a lot.

Now I am not.  Now I am asking you to pray.  I received a phone call earlier this evening telling me that a dear sister in Christ (and her family) needs our prayers.  Our friend Sallee Couch fought ovarian cancer and was declared in remission with no detectable cancer in her body.  Today she received her results from a recent biopsy and it tested positive for cancer cells.  Very hard news to hear, very hard.  Sallee and her husband Montie have 3 bio kids and 3 from Ethiopia (3 separate adoptions).  Right after they returned home with their last son, Samson, in March of 2011 Sallee was diagnosed with cancer (in April) and their life has been a whirlwind ever since.  Repeated trips to the hospital and chemo treatments and all that goes with the affects of cancer has created a very unstable and uncertain life.  September 27, 2011 was Sallee's last chemo treatment.  Life was starting to look a little normal again and now things are so uncertain.   In the very near future Sallee will undergo some PET scans to determine how to move forward.  The one thing I know for sure is that our heavenly Father is one that heals, comforts and restores.  He can bring joy in the place of fear and doubt and can give peace in the most unpeacful times. 

Please pray for this family.  I try and put myself in their shoes and know that what I would want most is for people all over the world to be praying for me, to lift me up to my Heavenly Father and to interceed on my behalf.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

Go to IT'S POPPY DIP to see pictures of their famiy and read some of the story for yourself.

My heart is very heavy.


Juanita said...

I have been following your blog for a while now (I am in the process of adopting from Rwanda and I love you hear about your experiences). Twice now you have asked for prayer since I have been reading (once for the 9 year old girl at the orphanage in Rwanda and now for this dear family). My husband and I have been praying for the girl every night since we read about her and now I will be praying for this family. Thank you for letting us know about the needs of these people in our adopting community. It is so empowering and humbling at the same time to have the opportunity to pray for people who don't even know you. We are a big family--you're right, I too would want people all around the world praying for me if I were in the mother's situation. Thanks for letting us know!

Rutledge 7 said...

THANK YOU, Juanita! I just found your blog. Our family has been praying for all the waiting Rwanda families and now we can pray for your family specifically... by name! It is so good to be part of the "larger family"!

rutledgeramblings said...

Oh my! I am so sad to hear this! We will put her on our family prayer list. Thanks for the update!