Tuesday, November 13, 2012

he has arrived with his first loss

Benjamin has been eagerly awaiting the day he would lose his first tooth.  

He has watched his siblings lose teeth.

He knows his cousins and friends have lost teeth.

He asked us to pull his teeth before they were loose.

A couple of weeks ago I made some french bread (very crunchy on the outside) which brought on Benjamin's first loose tooth... actually the first one he discovered.  Come to find out he had 2 loose teeth, one that had obviously been loose for a while and the other due to crunchy bread.  

Well, today he stood in the kitchen with a proud heart and tooth in hand!

I am not sure if this experience is all he thought it would be or not but he is carrying his tooth around in a bag.

He quickly showed Hope, the one who hasn't lost tooth.

He checked it out in the mirror (love the dirty mirror?)!

Our morning sunshine is feeling much better.  In the words of Carter... when Hope sits at the breakfast table and sings and dances, she is better!  

When Hope is not well, everyone is aware (this has really been her first time to be sick like this since she got over her illnesses when we brought her home).  Her personality is so magnetic and vibrant! What a blessing to have her well!

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